The man with the OLED hat at CES

CNet spotted someone walking around with an 'OLED hat' at the CES exhibition - actually a hat with several OLED displays (2.8", 320x240 each) on it. It seems that the Recom group is pushing their Video-Name Tag products...

Recom's OLED tags last for about 6 hours and Recom thinks it'll be useful for waiters, business man, promoters, service reps, advertising, etc. They cost $200, although at CES you could buy them for $150.

Posted: Jan 11,2011 by Ron Mertens


For less than half the price one can buy it in Canada, as sold in the US.

please check out 12godigital, the Digital Name Tag there is even cheaper less than half the price .... They are in Canada but also ship the same product out of Europe. ... The Canadian Alternative is less than half the price of the American brand Video Name Tag

yes - but it's not an OLED video name tag, right?