Competing technologies

The US may decide to add OLED equipment to the list of items prohibited to sell to China as trade war escalates

The trade war between the US and China escalates, an the US is mostly focused on restricting semiconductor equipment, materials and chips sales to China as its sees semiconductors as a crucial strategic technology.

F-35 helmet HMD photo

According to new reports, the US is now considering adding display technologies, mostly OLEDs, to the list of restricted technologies and may ask Japan and Korea to stop selling materials and equipment to Chinese display makers. 

Read the full story Posted: Apr 29,2023

Omdia: Apple to switch to OLED displays in almost all of its tablets, laptops and monitors by 2027

Omdia released its latest IT OLED display forecasts, with some interesting projections. 

The company sees very nice growth ahead for OLED displays in the IT market, with shipments rising from around 9.7 million units in 2022 to over 70 million units in 2028. Most of the growth will come from adoption in laptops, but tablet adoption will also increase sharply.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 22,2023

Omdia: OLED fab utilization remains low at 60% as the OLED industry hasn't yet recovered from the oversupply in 2022

Omdia says that the utilization at display production fabs is on the rise, recovering from 66% in January 2023 to 74% in the second quarter, as demand for TVs, laptops, monitors and smartphones is on the rise.

However, this is mostly true for LCD displays. OLED producers are still facing low demand, and fab utilization remains below 60%. The industry has yet to recover from the oversupply it experienced in 2022. This is true for both mobile AMOLED displays and OLED TV panels.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 18,2023

Omdia details its AR and VR market forecast

Market analysts from Omdia say that the XR market (which they define as a combination of AR, VR and MR) will grow from 24 million units in 2023 to almost 90 million units in 2028, a CAGR of 67%. In terms of revenues, the market (XR displays) will reach $1.15 billion in 2023.

As you can see from the graph above, VR applications still take up most of the market, and Omdia does not seem to think AR technology will reach mass markets soon, maybe only in 2028.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 08,2023

MicroLED production yields – and strategies to overcome

The MicroLED Industry Association published today a new white paper, that is focused on MicroLED production yields. This whitepaper discusses microLED yields, the current status, challenges ahead and several strategies and technologies that should help to mitigate the yield problem. Together with the white paper, the association is also hosting an open webinar.

MicroLED yields white paper cover

Yield is an important parameter for display makers, as low yields can drastically increase production costs per panel sold. In the microLED industry, yields are even more crucial and are still a major challenge. In addition, as microLED production involves several separate steps, the yield discussion is more complex compared to the situation in LCD or OLED production.

The white paper is published on the MicroLED Association's website, and is open to the public.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 07,2023

Amorphyx Q&A about champion performance in IGZO TFT for OLED Smartphone applications

This is a sponsored post by Amorphyx, where display industry consultant Ian Hendy has interviewed Amorphyx's CEO John Brewer

Q: Can you start by telling us a little about what Amorphyx does, John?

Amorphyx has several fundamentally new technology platforms that provide for TFT performance improvements in three areas: (1) Switching speeds, with options to move to the Tera-Hz range ultimately, (2) Power, where the IGZO AMeTFT can achieve even lower power performance than today’s LTPO OLED Pro Motion displays and better refresh range, and (3) Small transistor size.

Our technology platforms are lower cost than the alternatives, and move from amorphous and crystalline semiconductor approaches, to devices based on different effects that do not have a semiconductor at all, yet can still drive a display, drive current, deliver grey scale and switch very fast. Or they can operate a flex IC at higher clock speeds than known today.

For now, our main commercial focus is on IGZO AMeTFT which is fundamentally a potential replacement transistor for LTPS or LTPO used in modern OLED phones and has the capability to replace more highly compensated LTPO circuits in modern Smartphone displays due to enhanced stability.

Read the full story Posted: Jan 08,2023

Omdia: the smartphone market is shrinking, but the LTPO-AMOLED display segment is growing fast

Market research firm Omdia says that the global smartphone market is shrinking, and is set to fall 18% in 2022 to 1.425 billion units. LTPS AMOLED display shipments will decline 19% compared to 2021 to 44 million units (LCDs will decline even faster at 26%).

Omdia smartphone display market by tech (2021-2023E)

The only segmented that Omdia says is growing is the LTPO AMOLED one, with a fast growth of 94% in 2022 (to 148 million units), and will continue to grow in 2023 (25%).

Read the full story Posted: Nov 18,2022

LG Display shows a 12" 100 PPI full-color stretchable microLED display

LG Display has demonstrated a 12" 100 PPI full-color stretchable MicroLED display. The display can stretch up to 20% (to create a 14" display).

LGD 12-inch stretchable display prototype

The display is said to be "close to commercialization" - as it is highly flexible, durable, and reliable. LGD says that it is the world's first full-color high-resolution stretchable display that was ever produced. But we do know that companies have demonstrated stretchable OLED displays in the past, for example Samsung with its 13" stretchable display shown in 2021.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 08,2022