OLED displays are excellent for driving AR glasses and devices - as they provide high quality images, low power consumption and high brightness (although not as high as MicroLED displays).

Are you looking for an OLED microdisplay for your new project? We have access to a wide range of options, check out the OLED Marketplace for more.

The latest OLED for AR news:

Lumicore Showcases High-End Digital-Driven Silicon OLED Microdisplays

Lumicore showcased its groundbreaking 1.32-inch OLED microdisplay at SID Displayweek in San Jose, a digital-driven silicon microdisplay that represents a substantial advancement in the field of micro-OLED displays. This innovation promises improvements in display quality, power consumption, and production yield, making it highly suitable for AR and VR/MR applications.

Lumicore's expertise lies in its digital driving technology, which precisely controls pixel brightness in Micro-OLEDs through Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). This approach maintains a constant voltage across the OLED, preventing substantial fluctuations in current and brightness due to minor voltage changes.Compared to traditional analog driving, digital driving effectively mitigates noise interference, offering higher grayscale modulation accuracy, faster screen refresh rates, lower circuit power consumption, and reduced manufacturing costs, thereby revolutionizing the conventional technology.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 12,2024

First impressions from SID Displayweek 2024

The display industry's premier event, Displayweek, is over. We will now collect our notes, thoughts, photos and images and will share it all in the coming days. In the meantime, we'd like to detail some initial impressions.

Generally speaking, it seems as if the display industry is going through a phase of relatively little innovation, especially with the mature LCD and OLED industry segments. While it has been a very busy week, and attendance at the event seems high, the number of actual demonstrations and prototypes was not stellar and compared to previous years, the booths were smaller and some companies skipped the event this year or preferred to only show their latest displays in private settings. Some thoughts we have:

Read the full story Posted: May 17,2024

Samsung said to adopt Sony OLED microdisplays in its upcoming VR headset

Samsung Electronics is developing a new high-end VR headset, likely aiming to release it by the end of 2024. According to reports, Samsung will integrate OLED microdisplays produced by Sony, similar 1.4" 4K displays that are used by Apple in its Vision Pro headset.

Sony ECX344A photo

Samsung Display is developing its own OLED microdisplays, and the company is looking to bring such displays to market soon - in fact initial production will begin by the end of 2024, and full mass production will be achieved in 2026. It is not clear whether this new Sony design win means that Samsung Electronics prefers the Sony displays over SDC's, or whether it's simply a matter of Samsung Display not ready in time for mass production. 

Read the full story Posted: Apr 26,2024

Seeya starts constructing its second OLED microdisplay production line in Shanghai

OLED microdisplay developer Seeya Technology announced that it is starting to build its second OLED microdisplay production line, in Shanghai. The company will start to move in and install the production equipment next month.

The new production line will have a monthly capacity of 9,000 300 mm substrates, similar to the company's first line which is already in mass production. The total cost of the new fab is expected to reach 2 billion Yuan (around $275 million USD).

Read the full story Posted: Apr 18,2024

Tianyi Micro to co-develop OLED microdisplay backplanes with Tower Semiconductor

China-based display IC developer Tianyi Micro announced a strategic cooperation with Israel-based foundry Tower Semiconductor, to develop next-generation OLED microdisplay backplanes.

The new driver ICs will be based on Tower’s unique 180nm and 65nm dedicated micro display backplane process flows, supporting current-driven (as opposed to voltage-driven) OLED pixel designs. 

Read the full story Posted: Feb 27,2024

Lakeside Lightning Semiconductor progresses with its 12-inch OLED microdisplay production line

China-based OLED microdisplay developer Lakeside Optoelectronics (also known as Lakeside Lightning Semiconductor) announced that it is progressing with its 12-inch OLED microdisplay production line project in Yixing (Wuxi). The building itself is nearly complete, with the last floor concrete poured in. 

The new fab will have a capacity of 7,000 monthly 12-inch substrates, and should enter production in October 2025. The company also plans a 2nd phase which will double its capacity and enable it to produce around 10 million OLED microdisplays per year. 

Read the full story Posted: Jan 24,2024

Sony demonstrates a professional MR headset based on its 4K OLED microdisplays

Sony is demonstrating an early-stage MR headset, based on dual 1.3" 4K OLED microdisplays (or at least this is what is assumed, as Sony did not exactly detail the displays). The headset, which isn't yet a product, uses Qualcomm's XR2+ Gen 2 processor, includes passthrough video (soft-AR), and unique controllers.  Sony said its headset is "primarily designed for professionals who work with 3D".

It is likely that this headset uses Sony's ECX344A displays - which are actually 1.41" 4K (3552x3840) OLED microdisplays, announced in August 2023. These same displays are used by Apple in its Vision Pro headset.

Read the full story Posted: Jan 10,2024

An interview with Pixelligent's CEO, to discuss the company's technology and latest OLED industry updates

US-based Pixelligent is an advanced materials company that delivers next generation optical materials applications in lighting and displays. For the OLED industry, Pixelligent offers materials that significantly increase light output by increasing the refractive index of materials in the device.

Pixelligent's President and CEO, Craig Bandes, was kind enough to answe a few questions we had, to learn more about Pixelligent and its solutions for the OLED industry.

Hello Craig! Can you explain your technology and materials and how they enhance the efficiency of OLED display?

We are best known for our high refractive index (HRI) nanocrystal formulations and dispersions that deliver breakthrough performance in next-generation electronics, like extended reality, displays, optics, and sensors. We designed our PixJet®, PixNIL®, and PixClear® products to offer the best combination of brightness, clarity, operating efficiencies, and device-lifetime. 

Read the full story Posted: Jan 06,2024

Sidtek's 12-inch OLED microdisplay fab is on track for 2024 production, starts to install equipment

OLED microdisplay maker Sidtek announced that it is starting to install production equipment at its 12-inch production line in Wuhu City, Anhui Province. The company says the first production line in the project is on track to start production in 2024.

Sidtek is currently producing its OLED microdisplays on a 8-inch production line, also in Wuhu. The first phase of its 12-inch fab will have a monthly capacity of 6,000 substrates, and the company is planning an expansion to 18,000 substrate. The total investment in the 12-inch fab (including the 2nd stage) is estimated at 6 billion Yuan (around $840 million USD).

Read the full story Posted: Dec 27,2023

Reports suggest LG Display decided to postpone its OLED microdisplay fab

LG Display has been developing OLED microdisplay technologies for several years (branding these as OLEDoS), and last year it was reported that LGD is planning to build its first production line, as hoping to supply OLED Microdisplay to Apple in the future. LG is reportedly started ordering deposition equipment from Korea-based OLED equipment maker Sunic System.

According to the Korean publication The Elec, LGD has decided not to build an OLED microdisplay production line, at least for now. The company will continue its R&D project, though.

Read the full story Posted: Sep 09,2023