
Join us in April for a 2-day OLED innovations virtual event, as part of MicroLED-Connect!

MicroLED Connect, our hybrid event series focusing on the microLED industry, will be hosting a two-day virtual event focused on the OLED innovations, technologies, manufacturing, markets and more. The online event will take place on April 10-11, and will be an excellent opportunity to learn the latest OLED updates and connect with industry professionals on our excellent online event platform.

Today we have published the agenda for this event, with 20 exciting talks by leading OLED developers, supply chain companies and top-edge researchers. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn and connect with the OLED industry. You can register for the event here, with a yearly pass to MicroLED-Connect (with an option to also include entry into our September on-site event in Eindhoven, The Netherlands). Our members also gain access to past event recordings.

Read the full story Posted: Feb 28,2024

MicroLEDs Will Make a Macro Impact

 This is a guest post, by Ioannis (John) Kymissis

Micro light-emitting diode (microLED) technology is the bright young thing in the display world, literally and figuratively. Its high luminance, sharp contrast, and vivid colors, among other attributes, make this one of the most dynamic emerging technologies for next-gen display applications. We’re just beginning to see what the future holds for microLEDs and their potential impact on display and imaging capabilities.


On the Technology Fast Track 

MicroLEDs have made rapid advancements since they were first submitted for patent in 1998. The Kansas State University researchers who developed these miniaturized versions of LEDs envisioned using them in sensors, detectors, and mini-displays. But now, in just under three decades, many major display leaders and emerging companies are racing to produce and integrate the technology in everything from smartwatches to TVs to automotive displays. 

Read the full story Posted: Feb 22,2024

OLEDs: Innovations, Manufacturing, Markets

World-Class Conference | 10 & 11 April 2024 | Online Event

This event focuses on innovations in materials, manufacturing, applications, and markets for OLEDs. OLEDs are already a commercial success for years and yet the the pace of incremental and radical technological innovations and breakthroughs is incredible, furthering device properties [color, stability, resolution, color gamut, brightness, etc], expanding applications, and opening new manufacturing and patterning techniques from photolithography to inkjet printing and beyond.

These innovations could not only entrench the success of OLEDs further, addressing their weak spots, but also perhaps take away the selling points of challengers or alternatives like MicroLEDS, QD-LCDs, etc. Understanding the OLED market and industry dynamics is a must for microLED professionals.

This event is curated by TechBlick and OLED-Info.com. It is part of the MicroLED Connect series - accessible with a Virtual or Hybrid Annual Pass.

Register now and save 100 Euros (apply the following discount code at check-out: Save100Euros)

Read the full story Posted: Feb 16,2024

MicroLED Connect event series to host an OLED focused virtual event in April, calling out to speakers

MicroLED Connect, our hybrid event series focusing on the microLED industry, will be hosting a two-day virtual event focused on the OLED market, OLED technologies, innovation, manufacturing and more. The online event will take place on April 10-11, and will be an excellent opportunity to learn the latest OLED updates, and take a unique point of view from to the emerging microLED industry.

The agenda is now being finalized, and we are calling out to OLED developers, supply chain companies and researchers, anyone who's interested in giving a talk, please contact us. We are looking for high quality 15-20 minutes talks.

Read the full story Posted: Jan 27,2024

The MicroLED Handbook, 2024 edition

OLED-Info and MicroLED-Info are happy to announce the 2024 edition of The MicroLED Handbook. This book is the industry's trusted and comprehensive guide to MicroLED display technology, industry and market. MicroLED displays are thin, efficient, bright and flexible and are on track to revolutionize the display industry. The handbook is now updated to January 2024 and lists recent developments and new companies, initiatives, products and research activities. This is a must read for OLED professionals that want to stay updated on the main competitor for OLED displays in the future!

Reading this book, you'll learn all about:

  • MicroLED technology, materials and production processes
  • How MicroLEDs compare to LCDs and OLEDs
  • What are the challenges towards commercial production
  • LED technology and manufacturing processes
  • MicroLED driving and full-color architectures
  • The MicroLED displays currently on the market

The book also provides: an in-depth guide to MicroLED Microdisplays, potential applications of MicroLED displays, a comprehensive list of MicroLED companies, an introduction to other emerging display technologies (such as quantum dots and OLEDs), a current overview of the MicroLED market, market and industry forecasts and much more!

Read the full story Posted: Jan 17,2024

An interview with Pixelligent's CEO, to discuss the company's technology and latest OLED industry updates

US-based Pixelligent is an advanced materials company that delivers next generation optical materials applications in lighting and displays. For the OLED industry, Pixelligent offers materials that significantly increase light output by increasing the refractive index of materials in the device.

Pixelligent's President and CEO, Craig Bandes, was kind enough to answe a few questions we had, to learn more about Pixelligent and its solutions for the OLED industry.

Hello Craig! Can you explain your technology and materials and how they enhance the efficiency of OLED display?

We are best known for our high refractive index (HRI) nanocrystal formulations and dispersions that deliver breakthrough performance in next-generation electronics, like extended reality, displays, optics, and sensors. We designed our PixJet®, PixNIL®, and PixClear® products to offer the best combination of brightness, clarity, operating efficiencies, and device-lifetime. 

Read the full story Posted: Jan 06,2024

Samsung : SDC to focus on OLED microdisplays while SSI will handle its Micro-LED development

In 2022, Samsung Display confirmed it is developing OLED microdisplays, and the company has since stepped up its efforts to bring OLED microdisplay to the market. The company is also developing microLED microdisplays.

It is now reported in Korea that Samsung Electronics decided that from now on, Samsung Display will handle all OLED microdisplay projects, while Samsung Semiconductor (SSI, or specifically, the Compound Semiconductor Solutions team) will handle all microLED microdisplay development.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 24,2023

The MicroLED Industry Association publishes its first microLED industry roadmap document

The MicroLED Industry Association has published its first MicroLED Industry Roadmap and State-of-the-Industry document. This document could be an excellent read for OLED developers, as it details the current status of microLED technologies and gives an excellent guide into technology aspects, architectures and processes.

MicroLED Association - microLED roadmap 2023-12

The 2024 MicroLED Roadmap covers the latest microLED technology trends, details the MicroLED Association’s roadmap and projections for the future of the microLED industry and market, by application segments. The summary edition can be downloaded here

MicroLED Industry Association members can access the full document here, which includes detailed insights into technology and architectures, challenges and forecasts. The full members-only document also includes a proposed path towards cost reduction and discussions on LED technologies, wafers, backplanes, full-color displays and yields and processes.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 18,2023 - 2 comments

Eric Virey to discuss whether microLEDs can compete with OLEDs in high-volume applications at our upcoming MicroLED Connect event later this month

The first MicroLED Connect virtual event is coming up later this month, a 2-day virtual event that will be focused on microLED (and also miniLED) technologies. The event will include over 25 lectures from leading companies, researchers and market analysts. This is an excellent opportunity for display professionals to learn the latest microLED industry and technology updates.

OLED: a moving target, microLED Connect 2023-11 Yole slide

Eric Virey, a senior display analyst from the Yole Group, will give a talk discussing the opportunities for microLED technologies at high-volume applications - such as TVs, smartphones, wearables and IT displays. Yole's research on microLEDs is highly regarded, and we're looking forward to hearing Eric's latest analysis and insights.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 07,2023

MicroLEDs used to fix and replace an old OLED lighting installation in Taipei

Many years ago, The W Hotel in Taipei installed an OLED installation called You Fade to Light, designed by rAndom International creative studio and powered by Philips' OLED lighting panels. This beautiful piece consists of 2,000 modules, each lighting up as a response to people moving in front of it.

After several years these OLED panels started to fail (and fade, which is rather ironic given the installation's name), and now the hotel replaced the OLED panels with microLED-powered panels. It is said that the microLEDs achieved the same level of uniformity and light output of the OLEDs, maybe even surpassing them.

Read the full story Posted: Oct 05,2023 - 1 comment