Looking to buy OLED displays for your project? We can help!

OLED displays are rapidly gaining in popularity, and are already taking over various market segments like wearables and smartphones. However, for smaller scale projects it is often challenging to find the best OLED to suit the project's needs.

The OLED Marketplace frontpage, with ePaper displays

OLED producers usually only sell directly to very high volume customers, relying instead on distributors and suppliers for the rest of the market. This creates a fragmented market and makes it difficult to source the right display for your next device.

Luckily, our OLED Marketplace offers device developers a wide range of OLED displays, from wearable panels, through PMOLEDs and microdisplays to high-end flexible and foldable AMOLEDs. We believe this is the world's most comprehensive OLED catalog, which makes it easier to locate the perfect next-generation display.

You can access the marketplace here , and contact us if you are interested in a specific display. Alternatively, we also now offer a Display Brokerage Consultation service, under which we will locate the best display type for your project, identify potential suppliers or producers and introduce you to these companies. Our fee is just $250 and can save many work hours, valuable lead times and misguided sample orders. You can order our service here, and we'll start working together.

Posted: Nov 17,2021 by Ron Mertens