The XXII international Krutyn summer school (TADF OLEDs)

Last updated on Fri 04/11/2022 - 06:23
Event Duration:  
Event duration
Krutyn, Masurian Lake District, Poland

The 22nd International Krutyn summer school is focused on TADF emitters, from theory to applications. This Summer School will give state-of-the-art training in the form of lectures and consulting discussions designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers seeking to reinforce their knowledge and skills in the field of advanced OLED materials.

The event takes place at a picturesque summer resort in the Polish Masurian lake district and includes both indoor and outdoor activities. The scientific program includes topics such as organic synthesis, new blue and red emitters, characterization of organic materials, OLED device physics, Q-M computations and more.