UDC reports financial results for Q2 2014, $64.1 million in revenues

Universal display posted their financial results for Q2 2014. Revenues were $64.1 million, including a $25 license payment from SDC (up from $49.9 million in Q2 2013). net profit was $20.4 million.

Material sales reached $35.9 million - $13.2 million from green host sales, $15 million for green emitter sales and $4.4 million for red emitter sales. Sales to LG Display reached $9 million (a little bit lower than in the first quarter). Sales to Samsung were somewhat "soft", but this was offset by sales to other partners.

Universal Display current has $291 million in cash and short-term investments. Cash flow in the past quarter was $32.3 million. UDC reaffirms expectations for 2014 revenues to reach the high end of its $190 million to $205 million guidance range.

If you're interested in investing in Universal Display, be sure to check my two recent articles on Seeking Alpha: Universal Display: 20X Jackpot In 2018? and Universal Display's Second Key Customer Is On Its Way.

Disclaimer - the owner of OLED-Info owns shares in Universal Display

Posted: Aug 08,2014 by Ron Mertens