According to ETNews BOE, Everdisplay and Truly are all expected to start constructing flexible OLED fabs in the first half of 2016, as the companies realize they need to compete with Samsung and LG in that market.
BOE Display aimed to start mass producing AMOLED displays at 5.5-Gen LTPS OLED fab in Ordos in the second half of 2015, but reportedly they are still struggling with low yields. BOE is also constructing a Gen-6 LTPS LCD/AMOLED production line in Chengdu, China, scheduled for production in the first half of 2017. Earlier reports suggested that BOE aims to produce flexible OLEDs at that new fab. In May 2015, BOE demonstrate several new AMOLED prototypes, including several flexible panels.
Everdisplay (EDO) recently unveiled a 5.6" WQHD (2560x1440, 525 PPI) flexible AMOLED prototype, the first flexible OLED prototype from EDO. Everdisplay started mass producing 5" 720p AMOLED displays towards the end of 2014, and since then the company seems to be accelerating its OLED program and is is developing larger displays (5.5", 6" and an 8" AMOLED for the automobile market), round AMOLEDs (a 1.4" 400x400 circular AMOLED for the wearable market) and also recently demonstrated a 6" 4K (734 PPI) AMOLED display.

Hong Kong's Truly Semiconductors recently completed the construction of the first phase in the company's 4.5-Gen AMOLED fab in Huizhou, China. The equipment will be installed in October, and the production line will begin operation in Q1 2016. The company, as far as I know, never demonstrated any flexible OLED prototypes.