Mitsubishi to install a concave Diamond Vision OLED display at Tokyo's Narita airport

Tokyo's Narita airport ordered several displays from Mitsubishi - including a 180-degree concave Diamond Vision OLED display called Panorama Vision. We don't have any more technical information about this display. Mitsubishi will also install two pairs of 330" LCDs and over 300 touch screen displays. Mitsubishi will begin to install the displays in March 2012 and they will be in full operation by the summer of 2012.

This is Mitsubishi's third Diamond Vision OLED installation that we know about. The first one was a 3.84x2.3 meter display installed at Merck's research center and the second was the 6" Geo-Cosmos sphere installed at Tokyo's Science Museum.

Posted: Oct 09,2011 by Ron Mertens